On August 20, 2018, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada announced major changes to the parent and grandparent sponsorship program which will take effect in 2019.
Some of the most relevant details include:
- The 2019 cap has been increased to 20 000 applicants from 17 000 applicants in 2018.
- There is a new process for 2019. At the beginning of the year, sponsors will submit an Interest to Sponsor form. Instead of a random lottery, IRCC will invite sponsors to submit an application to sponsor their parents and grandparents based on the order in which they receive their Interest to Sponsor forms.
- This process will continue until they reach the cap. Once invited, sponsors will have 60 days to submit a full application.
If you would like to learn more about how these changes may affect you, please contact us at (416) 548-9101, or at inquiries@www.lmlawgroup.com.