The government announced yesterday significant changes to the Express Entry program that are to come into effect on November 19, 2016. These changes will alter how points are awarded within the current system. The most significant changes include the following:
Points will now be awarded to applicants that graduate from Canadian post- secondary institutions. Applicants will now earn either 15 or 30 points depending on the type and length of program that they graduated from.
The number of points awarded for having a valid LMIA has been drastically reduced from 600 points to either 50 or 200 points depending on the NOC code that the LMIA is based on.
Points will now be awarded for many employer specific non-LMIA work permits. Applicants will be able to receive either 50 or 200 points depending on the NOC code that the work permit is based on.
The timeline to submit a full application, once the invitation to apply has been issued, will be increased from 60 days to 90 days.
These are just some of the most significant changes that were announced. We will be hosting a free webinar to discuss these changes further. Here are the details:
Title: Express Entry Updates
Date: November 28, 2016
Time: 6PM EST
Fee: Free
To Register: Click Here
Please note space is limited
You can also book a consultation to determine how these changes may effect your application, or to see if you will qualify for permanent residency under the new system, by contacting us at (416) 548-9101 or at